Sharing to Instagram Stories in SwiftUI
06 Jul 2021
Recently I added the ability to share directly with Instagram Stories to my workout-tracking app Personal Best. Here’s how to do it. This tutorial is tailored to SwiftUI, but the code is generic enough that it could easily be applied to a UIKit app.
Instagram offers an API based on URL schemes, which is brilliant as it means we don’t need to add an SDK to do this.
A full API reference can be found over on Facebook’s developer site.
View the code for this tutorial on GitHub
Set things up
First of all, you need to give your app the ability to query for Instagram Stories’ custom URL scheme, which is instagram-stories://
. Add this to your app’s Info.plist
is part of iOS’s Launch Services framework. The documentation is quite unambiguous on what this key is used for:
“LSApplicationQueriesSchemes (Array - iOS) Specifies the URL schemes you want the app to be able to use with the canOpenURL: method of the UIApplication class”
Create a utility
Now, we need some actual code to be able to share to Instagram. To ensure a good user experience, we should provide a way to check that Instagram is installed on the user’s device too, ensuring that the share button is only displayed to people who can use it.
Create a struct as below. The comments inside explain what’s happening at each stage:
import Foundation
import SwiftUI // You can import UIKit instead if you like, both will work.
struct InstagramSharingUtils {
// Returns a URL if Instagram Stories can be opened, otherwise returns nil.
private static var instagramStoriesUrl: URL? {
if let url = URL(string: "instagram-stories://share?source_application=your-app-bundle-identifier") {
if UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) {
return url
return nil
// Convenience wrapper to return a boolean for `instagramStoriesUrl`
static var canOpenInstagramStories: Bool {
return instagramStoriesUrl != nil
// If Instagram Stories is available, writes the image to the pasteboard and
// then opens Instagram.
static func shareToInstagramStories(_ image: UIImage) {
// Check that Instagram Stories is available.
guard let instagramStoriesUrl = instagramStoriesUrl else {
// Convert the image to data that can be written to the pasteboard.
let imageDataOrNil = UIImage.pngData(image)
guard let imageData = imageDataOrNil() else {
print("🙈 Image data not available.")
let pasteboardItem = ["com.instagram.sharedSticker.backgroundImage": imageData]
let pasteboardOptions = [UIPasteboard.OptionsKey.expirationDate: Date().addingTimeInterval(60 * 5)]
// Add the image to the pasteboard. Instagram will read the image from the pasteboard when it's opened.
UIPasteboard.general.setItems([pasteboardItem], options: pasteboardOptions)
// Open Instagram., options: [:], completionHandler: nil)
The UI part
Now that we have the code to send a story to Instagram, we simply need to hook it up to our user interface. This is quite straightforward:
import SwiftUI
struct InstagramShareView: View {
var imageToShare: Image {
// An image defined in your app's asset catalogue.
return Image("SomeImage")
var body: some View {
VStack {
// Display the image that will be shared to Instagram.
if InstagramSharingUtils.canOpenInstagramStories {
Button(action: {
}) {
Text("Share to Instagram Stories")
} else {
Text("Instagram is not available.")
Next steps
Instagram’s URL scheme allows for sharing much more, including stickers, colours, videos, and more. Check out Facebook’s developer site for more.
View the code for this tutorial on GitHub
A more fully-featured off-the-shelf version
Swapnanil Dhol has an excellent Swift package named IGStoryKit that can do all of this and more, if you’re looking for something simple where you don’t need to write all the code to integrate with Instagram yourself.
Thanks for reading.
To get in touch, email me or find me on Mastodon or Twitter.
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