iOS 14's bizarre text casing behaviour in List headings

Here’s a SwiftUI list with a section header:

List {
  Section(header: Text("Hello world")) {

In iOS 13, this appeared like you’d expect:

iOS 13 list section header example

Rebuild this with the iOS 14 SDK, and everything is forced to uppercase:

iOS 14 list section header example

This is… kind of annoying. I think it’s intentional, as it’s still present up to beta 4. If only it were documented somewhere so we’d know for sure if it’s intentional or a bug to be fixed later.

Anyway, the workaround is easy:

List {
  Section(header: Text("Hello world").textCase(nil)) {

BRB, I’m off to add .textCase(nil) to about 100 different places in my codebase.

Thanks for reading.

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